To understand the problem of male hair loss it is necessary to explore the nature of their hair growth cycle. Hair experts claim that hair growth rate is around one-half inches each month. And each strand of hair has a growth period ranging from two to six years. At some point the strand pauses in a rest mode for some time, then sheds itself and the same hair follicle sprouts into a new hair growth. This cycle propels itself right till an individual’s old age. Hair loss in men manifests as ever decreasing coverage of the scalp.
Genetic hair loss in men is called Alopecia Androgenetica. Alopecia Androgenetica is – typical male pattern boldness and progresses at a very gradual pace. It usually appears in the form of a bold spot on the top of the scalp and thinning on the temple areas. The usual age at which Alopecia shows itself is thirty in men. However it can occur at any age. Racial differences also play a huge part in male pattern baldness.
The highest rate of male pattern baldness is seen is Caucasians and then, Afro-Caribbean’s. Chinese and Japanese men have the lowest rate of balding. Native Americans are somehow least effected by male pattern baldness. Typical male baldness is mostly genetic in nature. The tendency is generally more manifest if baldness runs on the mother’s side. It is believed that the male hormone testosterone does play a pattern is causing baldness, but its relationship with the given malady is not fully understood till date. Smoking is also one of the reasons of male hair loss.
It is almost impossible to eliminate male pattern baldness. However after the problem is diagnosed, measures can be taken to slow the process of hair loss. Balding men should first visit a general medical practitioner or a certified trichologist. More and more doctors are now sensitive to the psychological impact of hair loss in terms of life quality of individuals. Younger men can lose their self esteem and zest for life due to this cosmetic calamity.
Minoxidil is sold by the name of Regaine as an ointment to be rubbed on the scalp to counter male baldness. However the results are not instantaneous and miraculous and vary with individuals. Finesteride or Propecia is also prescribed by doctors for hair loss in men. Some endocrinologists try to block the action of DHT by using hormonal medicines to tackle male baldness. This is called anti-androgen therapy.
Life style changes in terms of healthy nutrition, regular exercise, herbal shampoos and hair treatment tonics and a balanced diet should be adopted to arrest hair fall by men. Yoga and meditation also go a long way in minimizing stress and thus slowing the process of hair loss. Hair transplant therapy and hair weaving are some other cosmetic solutions for hair loss in men.